For any business to be successful, there has to be strategic  marketing activities. The products must be presented to the public or target population in such a way that will make them see the need to purchase the products or services.
The importance of marketing to every business cannot be over emphasised as the profit of the business depends  largely on it.

WHAT IS MARKETING:  According to Encarta dictionary, marketing is the business activity of presenting products or services in such a way as to make them desirable. It is the act of of giving products and services to customers in exchange for money. In a simple term, marketing is applying every possible strategy to convince a potential client, to patronise a product or services.


1 Strategic Marketing :For any business to be effectively and successfully marketed, the marketing strategy starts from when the products are being developed. Remember that this process continues as long as the business exist in order to ensure high profit. This is where the products are designed in such a way to meet the need of the target market. The pricing is also determined depending on the expected customers. The promotion of the business is also carried out to create awareness about the products and how they will benefit the potential customers. This where advertisement comes in. there are different kinds of advertisement, namely: TV and Radio commercials, newspaper adverts, billboard advertisement and on line advertisement. All these forms of advertisement  have their different benefits depending on the kind of business that is being advertised.  There  are businesses that can afford all the forms of adverts to ensure effective marketing.

2 Know What Your Customers Need: In order to successfully convince a client and get his patronage, you must be able to make them see the need to make purchase. It is true that the purpose of every marketing is to make sale but it is very important that the need of the customers are first of all considered. The client must be made to see the value of the products or services and what they stand to benefit. 

3 Believe In Your Products: You cannot convince other people to buy your product if you do not believe in them yourselves. You must be able to prove to your prospects that your products are worth buying. Your products are not the only ones in the market  as a result, you must be  able to prove to your product is the best. 

4 Value Your Existing Customer: Your customers are very vital to the success of your business, therefore your relationship with them dose not end  once you have sealed the business them. The power of ref feral can never be ignored in any business, therefore it is important that you maintain a good relationship with your customers as they can always bring you more sale by connecting you with other buyers. 

5 Believe In Your Ability: Marketing is a lifestyle. Every day of our lives, we are either trying to sell our selves or sell something. Although some people are very gifted in marketing, with the right attitude and mindset any body can be a successful marketer. Any body can sell, but the manner and approach the products are being presented will determine if the business will be sealed. Every good market has a likable personality and although some people are born with it, this kind of personality can be developed in order to gain acceptance. You must first of all sell your self before you can sell your product. 

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