Be Positive

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I always believe that there are two sides to life. The positive side, and the negative side. Or instead of "side" you may chose to refer to it as "part" or maybe "perspective" to make it more appropriate. Whichever one you chose, the point am trying to make here is that we view life's circumstances from two different angles, which eventually influences how we approach them. Our lives are fraught with so many unpleasant circumstances that require change, and the way we handle the situation determines the extent to which we effect the change that will yield the desired result. One thing that I find interesting is, whatever decision we make, and whatever approach we take in tackling the situation, it will always result in a  change. Therefore it is very important that we exercise care in approaching any situation in order to make the right decision that  will give us the desired result. There are different ways of solving problems, and there is always a better way of going about it. Finding solution to life's problem could be somewhat challenging, and whatever comes out of it is solely our responsibility which  is the product of the state of our mind. A greater  percentage of the circumstances we find ourselves in are the product of our minds. With our minds, we can control everything that happens to, and around us. Our initial reaction to circumstances determines the effect it has on us. It is not unnatural for one to express shock ,fear, or worry when the circumstances warrant such. In fact  there is nothing wrong about that. It only goes to prove that we are humans. But there are so many  things wrong when we allow these negative emotions to overwhelm us. It posses a great psychological danger, and goes to prove that we are not in control of our mental  faculties. A man whose mind is full of worry, and fear can never think clearly no matter  how hard he tries. Negative emotions blurs the mind, and always leads to confusion. Some people indulge in self pity in order to console themselves, and when they expect you to join them in their worry fiesta, and  you refuse, they assume you are not caring. The truth is ,fear, worry, and every other negative emotions have never produced a positive result. Only positive emotions does.  It never pays to be negative. But even when the situation seems hopeless, a wise man will always remain positive because there is no harm in doing so, but there is so much harm in doing otherwise. Being positive is all about being confident, optimistic, and focusing  on good things rather than bad. It is being hopeful in a hopeless situation. It is being happy in a sad situation. It is putting on a bright smile when your eyes is filled  with tears. It is getting  up when life pulls you down. It is saying no to defeat, and saying yes to victory. Maintaining a positive mindset requires effort, and it is only practiced by those who are emotionally mature. History is filled with the testimony of men who  achieved great success in their lifetime because they always responded to circumstances with positive out look. They always tried to see the positive side of everything, and every situation, and it  worked for them………….if it worked for them, I believe it will work for you too. In order for you to achieve this, there is need for a paradigm shift. You need to reorient yourself on what life is all about, and how things work. The idea you have about life  is a very vital factor that determines what you get out of it. Life is governed by certain rules, and principles, and when you play by these rules, and principles, you will be at the top of your game. Life does not have favorites, but it honors those whose standard of living conforms with the standard of the divine.
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