Be Unstoppable

By Akan Patrick

Nothing  in this world has the power to stop you from actualizing   your dreams. No circumstance  no matter how severe, and unpleasant should be used as an excuse to give up on yourself. The difficulties of life are not suppose be a stumbling block on your way, rather they should  be stepping stones upon which you launch yourself to the path of  new possibilities.  Many great men  and women in history whose impacts we are still enjoying today,  succeeded not because in their time  life was a bed of roses, but because they were able to brave the challenges that came their way, and they kept pushing themselves forward . They realized, and accepted the fact that life is not a bed of roses, and knowing that life will not give them what they want on a platter of gold, they made the necessary sacrifices to ensure that their dreams are not cut short.  They were determined to make a difference in their world, and they sure did. No force, no power can stand in the way of a man who has made the resolve to succeed. The renowned American scientist  and educator, George Washington Carver was a poor slave who grew up in a Missouri farm. After doing  odd jobs to support himself through school, he was denied admission into the  highland college   just because he was black.  That disappointment did not discourage  the young Carver as he still went ahead to seek admission into the Iowa state college  
of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts(now Iowa state university). This time no body  could stop him, as he ended up becoming the first black person to graduate from that college. That is the power of perseverance. It doesn't matter how many   doors have been closed  against you, when one door closes, move unto the next and keep on knocking until a door Is opened for you. Just like they say-when one door closes, another opens. That statement found expression in the life of W. Carver. He set a good example for us , letting us know that in spite of your humble background, you can still push yourself to the highest level of life.  Carver new this truth,  he applied it ,and it worked for him. No wonder he once said " when you can do the common things of life in an uncommon way, you will command  the attention  of the world". You are unstoppable.
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