The Loyal Servant

By Akan Patrick

It is common knowledge  that everybody appreciates  loyalty. So many friendships have  been lost, and so many relationships  severed due to lack of  loyalty.  A lot of damage have been suffered by so many organizations  because the people took lightly  the importance of loyalty in  carrying out their activities.  The defaulters, when found out, are either relieved of their positions, or demoted to a lower level of responsibility. It is always devastating when someone you  take into confidence turns out to be a disappointment . Of all the  virtues  a servant must possess, loyalty to his master will always be regarded  as the paramount quality to look out for. The moment  a person's loyalty  is in doubt, there is little chance that the person will continue to be taken into confidence. Loyalty, when given in full measure, will always be rewarded, giving the encouragement for more.  When you have people under your authority, it is important that you earn their loyalty if you really want to succeed in carrying out your responsibilities. In every organization, the success of the leader is always tied to the kind of relationship he has with his subordinates or followers. He has to be respected, and this respect has to be deserved and earned.  A good leader does not try to force respect out of those below him.  He must posses the kind of personality that commands respect and attention. 
Harry S. Truman says  "A leader is a man who has the ability to get other people to do what they don't want to do, and like it". People cannot like what you get them to do if they are not willing to be loyal to you. Loyalty can be earned through different means. A cruel disposition on the part of the leader can compel followers to give their loyalty, even against their will. A leader can also inspire loyalty by the way he relates with his subordinates. This kind of loyalty is real. It comes from a sincere heart. A leader does not only get people to get things done, he also helps them build capacity and harness their potential . When the aim of leadership is to impact, build and develop, followers will naturally  submit to authority. 
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