malaria lewandowski

IT is true that malaria is one of the dangerous diseases plaguing the world of which 
people in the developing countries are the worst hit. Many organizations  have done 
their best to ensure that this disease if not totally eliminated, but it's effect reduced to the 
barest minimum. Lots of sensitization and awareness programs have been organized to 
educate the people on the dangers of malaria and how to prevent it.
Precautionary measures have been designed to stop the spread of this disease that has
 taken so many lives in the past years. different methods of treatment have been developed
 for its treatment. But before commencing treatment, it has to be diagnosed in order to
ascertain the kind of treatment to be rendered. According  to this article  by Parija Kavilanz
@ CNNTech, check the device that is capable of diagnosing malaria in 5 seconds. excerp 

This device can 

diagnose malaria in 

5 seconds

malaria lewandowski
John Lewandowski with the RAM (Rapid Assessment of Malaria) device.

Malaria, which affects 200 million people each 

year, is 

one of the deadliest diseases in the world.

Although it is preventable and curable, the World Health Organization
estimates that 438,000 people died from malaria in 2015, mostly in
John Lewandowski, a PhD student in mechanical engineering at MIT, said
diagnosing it quickly is critical.
"Early detection is very important, typically in the first five to seven days
symptoms arise, so that treatment can begin," said Lewandowski, 26.
He's designed a mechanical device called RAM
(Rapid Assessment of Malaria)
that is able to detect malaria in five seconds from a drop of blood.
There are two primary ways to diagnose malaria: You can test a drop of
blood under a microscope to identify the parasite, or you can do a
diagnostic test
 on a blood drop sample, which returns a positive or negative result, similar
to a
home pregnancy test.
But many rural communities in Africa and Asia don't have the medical
infrastructure for microscopic tests, and the diagnostic test can't detect


 infection in the very early stages.

The RAM device.

Lewandowski developed his device to make diagnosing malaria quicker and
The RAM is battery-operated, costs about $100 to $120, and is made from
 low-cost materials. The plastic box (measuring 4x4 inches) has a small
circuit board, a few magnets and a laser on the inside. On the outside is an
LCD screen, an SD card slot and a plastic disposable cuvette.
"It's pretty bare bones," said Lewandowski, who's the founder and CEO of
Boston-based Disease Diagnostic Group, which is developing the device.
Malaria parasites in human blood create iron crystals that are magnetic
in nature.
"As an engineer, I thought about creating a way to detect these magnetic
crystals quickly," said Lewandows

 The laser helps identify the pattern and diagnose the disease. 
(If the disease isn't present, no crystals form.)
The technology is deliberately simplistic and easy to use, although
the parasite and determining treatment needs to be done by a local clinic
"The technology is novel," said David Sullivan, a professor at
Johns Hopkins

University and an expert on "hemozoin," or the iron crystals. Sullivan, who

 familiar with the device, said it offers a slight advantage over the rapid
 tests because of its speed; some malaria patients can die within 24 hours.

disease diagnostic team
John Lewandowski [far right] with Alphonse Harris and his brother Mark Lewandowski.

Rapid blood testing devices have been in the spotlight recently.
Most prominently, Theranos, which claimed its blood testing device could
process a full range of lab tests with just few drops of blood. The firm was
 at $9 billion, but in October 2015, a WSJ report questioned the accuracy of
Theranos' blood tests and it has been under fire since then.
But Lewandowski said his device isn't reinventing the wheel.
"Our technology is just speeding up that same process and bringing down
cost," he said.
At the same time, he said the company is exploring how the technology
pivot to test for other mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever and
Zika virus.
Since 2013, Disease Diagnostic Group has tested the RAM device in
clinical trials
 in India.
"In India, the field study of 250 patients showed a 93% to 97% accuracy,"
Lewandowski said, adding that a new field study will launch this summer in
Nigeria with up to 5,000 patients.
The startup has won about $1.5 million from various business competitions,
including the MIT $100K Pitch Competition and the Harvard Life Science
"We self-funded initially and the rest of our investment is from prize money
and grants," said Lewandowski. He said the firm has six full-time
employees and

operates a lab and testing facility in Buffalo, New York.
The startup is already selling the devices in limited quantities to doctors in
small clinics and individual healthcare workers doing malaria field tests
in India.
The firm has submitted the device for approval to the WHO and for EU

health and safety certification.
Lewandowski expects to have RAM devices more widely available for

in a year, and eventually in the hands of families in high-risk regions of the

for malaria."For us, social impact is our mission," he said. "We want them
to be
 used in the
 right way by the right people who need them the most."
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