The desire to meet the needs of others by providing them with goods and services, for profit making is the  driving force that motivates  people who go into commercial activities to adopt  organized, and strategic approach to satisfy their clients and customers. Rendering  satisfactory services  to customers is the ultimate goal of every business. It is the quality of the products, and services  that determines  the duration of the customer's  patronage.
Every business person who intends to keep his clients  or customers  coming for more goods and services must aim at creating a cordial relationship with them.   In other to establish a cordial relationship with clients or customers, their satisfaction must be top on the list of priorities in every business operation.  Since the aim of every business activity is profit making , the amount of profit a business can generate depends largely on the number of clients or customers the business is providing services to. Therefore the goal of every business  person  is to attract as many customers as possible and making sure  non of them  is lost. 

The  growth of every business  depends on  proper management of accumulated profit.  A successful business must have good management team. A good manager must possess the strategic  skills  of reducing the cost of operations to earn a reasonable amount of profit. The economic activities of countries around the world are carried  out through business operations. The kinds   of business  activities  and their mode of operations  plays a key role   in the social  and economic life of a country. The  responsibility of the leadership of every country is to formulate and implement  policies and programs  with the objective of managing  it's available resources for the benefit of all it's citizens.  The  resources of a country is the potential wealth of that country. When the resources are properly managed,  the resultant effect will be the relative growth of the economy. The standard of living of a country's citizens is a reflection of the economy of that country. Before a country is said to be a developed economy , all of it's  citizens   must have access to the basic  social, and  economic  amenities to ensure  a healthy, comfortable, and sustainable society.  In other for this aim to be achieved, every citizen has to be involved in the building of the country's economy by engaging in various kinds of business  activities that are profit oriented. There are different kinds of businesses carried out all  around the world.  The type of business  that is dominant in a country depends  to some extent, on the country's available  natural resources. The benefit from resources can only be gained when the potentials of the citizens are properly harnessed and managed toward providing goods , and services to meet the needs of everybody. Growing the economy is the responsibility of every  individual, and it is therefore necessary that there be adequate human capacity development. The people must  acquire the necessary skills that will guarantee productivity in  any type  of business they may wish to venture into. The goal of every growing economy should be  to create jobs for as many citizens as possible. This achievement will reduce unemployment . It is therefore important that every person engaging in any money making venture should focus on expansion in other to create   more  jobs .  There are certain factors that determines the fate of a country's economy. Some of these factors, which are directly linked to the types of businesses prevalent in  a particular area, may also be peculiar to that area………………………………………………...  In every civilized society,  every individual  must be able to afford the basic needs of life.  There has to be the  provision of modalities to create and also support different kinds of business opportunities.  Measures should  be put in place to checkmate the occurrence of any situation that might  be detrimental   to the economy.   The various sectors of the economy  includes , agriculture, manufacturing and service sector. In order to guarantee growth in the economy, these sectors must be properly developed.


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