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 Every body can start a business but not every one can grow their business to the point of becoming a business tycoon. Becoming requires  patience and perseverance. Those with been patient enough to acquire all the necessary skills and knowledge required to grow a business always end up as business tycoons. Although times have changed, and what is obtainable in today’s business world is quite different from what the 19th century business men used to do to achieve success in their businesses, their wisdom and innovative skills could still be relevant  today.
Their perseverance, tenacity and intelligent approach to business, if properly applied in today’s dynamic and competitive business world will definitely produce tangible results.   Here is a list of  19th  century most successful and innovative business tycoons who made great impact in their different field of endeavor.

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A company must be viewed not only as a portfolio  of products and services, but a portfolio of competencies as well. 
                                       Gary Hamel

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Nolan Bushnell in his Studio

Nolan Key Bushnell

American entrepreneur and founder of Atari ,Inc. Bushnell was born in 1943 in Clearfield, Utah. After his graduation from the university of Utah with a degree in electrical engineering, he worked for Ampex corporation from 1968 to 1971. It was when he was with Ntting associates that he developed the first video arcade game, Computer Space.

Because of his desire to establish and run his own business, Bushnell founded  Atari in 1972 where he developed a ping-pong arcade game called pong which eventually became a best seller in 1973.  By the end of 1976, Atari made about $40 million in annual sales.

In 1977,   he started the  Chuck E. Cheese’ Pizza   Time Theatre. This was an idea that involves the combination of food, games, and performing.
After resigning from Atari, he bought the rights to Time Theater chain, which he expanded from seven restaurants in 1979 to more than 200 in 1982. In spite of this   success, by late 1983 Pizza Times  was  in  debt  which  and Bushnell was forced to  file for bankruptcy.

Barely two years later bounced back with the establishment of a toy and game company  which he named Axlon.  In 1986, he collaborated  with Stephen Wozniak, a co-founder of Apple computer ,Inc  with the purpose of   developing toy robots.

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Like the legal judge, the tycoon depends on the warders and hangman to obey his orders in utterly predictable conformity. So he needs predictable conformists, without imagination, independence, or pride.
    Robert Heller

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Philip Amour

Philip Armour:

Philip Danforth Amour was born in stockbridge, new York.  He was part of Armour, plankington and company  a meat-packing firm where  he later head in 1863.  His brother Herman Ossian Armour owned a grain business and Philip acquired a large share in the business. Because of his  high innovation in business, he added a pork-packing plant to the  company.
By 1875,  he became the head of the two companies  which later merge as Amour & company in 1870. It was Philip Armour who started the use of refrigeration and he canning of meat. 17 years later he founded the Amour Institute of  Technology.


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The rights and interests of the laboring man will be protected and cared for, not by the labor agitators, but by the Christian men to whom God in His infinite wisdom has given control of the property interests of the country.
George Frederick Bae

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Walter Chrysler with one of his cars

Walter Chrysler

Walter Chrysler (1875-1940), American automobile manufacturer. Walter Percy Chrysler was born in Wamego, Kansas, and educated in the public schools of Ellis, Kansas. He was a mechanic with various railroads until 1910, when he joined the American Locomotive Company. He was works manager of the Buick Motor Company (1912-16), president of the company (1916-19), and vice president in charge of operations of the General Motors Corp. (1919-20) into which Buick was incorporated. He helped in the reorganization and operation of both the Willys-Overland and Maxwell Motor companies (1920-24). The Chrysler Corporation was organized in 1925, with Chrysler as president; he served as chairman of the board from 1935 until his death. In 1928 Chrysler also acquired Dodge Brothers, an important manufacturer of automobiles.

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A business that makes nothing but money is a poor kind of business.
                  Henry Ford

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Walter Chrysler

Henry Luce
American editor and publisher introduced the concept of the weekly newsmagazine. A graduate of Yale University and university of oxford Henry Luce  founded the newsmagazine Time, in collaboration with his friend Briton Hadden in 1923 and he was the editor for 41 years.
 In 1930 exactly 7 years after the establishment of Time, a magazine which focuses on personalities, he found Furtune a monthly magazine that focused on the critical analysis of American business and Industry. Due to the successes he recorded with Time, and Fortune, he purchased Architectural  Forum. In 1936 he began Life, a  weekly news and photo magazine which became an instant success. Although Life was no longer in publication due to high cost in 1972, it was revived as a monthly in 1978.
Other publications founded by Luce include House and Home a monthly in 1952 and Sports illustrated a weekly in 1954.
 His communication empire also included the 1930s radio and film documentary series The March of Time, radio and television programs.

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'If everybody minded their own business,' the Duchess said in a hoarse growl, 'the world would go round a deal faster than it does.'

Lewis Carol



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