Never Stop Learning

By Akan Patrick

Everyday , we are constantly presented with the opportunity to learn new things. Sometimes, we learn by making conscious effort to acquire knowledge, and other times we learn by instinct, or unconsciously.  Because knowledge is vital  to human existence, it is important that we  acquire adequate knowledge  and understanding of our environment  and the people around us in order to have a successful social relationship.  The amount of knowledge we  possess about our world, life,  and our environment , determines the quality  of relationship we have. In order to benefit from knowledge, it needs to be subjected to critical  assessment  and evaluation .when we   constantly make practical use of whatever we  have learnt, we  will eventually become  better persons. The major impact learning makes  is that it changes peoples behavior. Memory plays a key role in the learning process. It is the storage of  acquired  knowledge.  How the brain stores knowledge, where it  is stored, and how it is retrieved when needed has constantly been the subject  of intense research by psychologist.  Learning takes place in different forms, which include single stimulus,  involving  perception of the senses, classical conditioning, which is the association of two stimuli that occur in sequence , and operant conditioning, which is forming an association between behavior, and  consequences. Another simple, and useful form of learning is habituation.  Habituation which  occurs  in almost all organisms,  helps us to ignore repetitive unimportant stimuli.  There is  also a type of learning called sensitization, which is the increase of an organisms responsiveness to  stimuli.  In classical  conditioning , there is a transfer of reflective or autonomic response from one stimulus to another. It is forming an association between to items.  For instance  a person who has a friend with whom he shares a common interest ,like playing the game of chess, will always develop the desire to play chess with the person whenever they are together.  Classical conditioning occurs when  a person develops the desire for something when  he encounters another with which he had formed an association.  This  association is formed  between stimuli that occur closely together in space and time. 
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